Parents needed for study about care options & decision-making following stillbirth or newborn death Parents whose baby has died, or is likely to die, around the time of birth face many decisions they need to make quickly, at a time of great distress. Researchers at the Centre of Research Excellence in Stillbirth (Stillbirth CRE) are developing a resource for parents to help support conversations with their health care providers about options and decisions that are important at this time. The resource will complement the existing national guideline for clinicians about how to best provide respectful and supportive bereavement care to families who have experienced the death of their baby. The research is funded by Stillbirth Foundation Australia. The research team is keen to hear the perspectives and ideas of parents about the design of this resource, for example: What content is most important to include? How can the resource best be designed to suit the needs of parents? How can it support conversations and communication with health care providers? The researchers want to make sure parents’ needs are prioritised, and that the resource will be relevant and useful. The researchers are seeking the perspectives of parents who have experienced the loss of a baby in the last three years, due to stillbirth or newborn death at 20 weeks or greater gestation. Participants must be 18 years and over. The research will involve either a small group or one-on-one discussion depending on your preference. The discussions will take place by telephone or Zoom. Group discussions would be for about 60 minutes and one-on-one discussions about 30 minutes. The researchers are keen to gain a wide range of opinions and perspectives from parents living in different areas of Australia to. Remember, if at any time you need support Sands volunteer parent supporters are available to talk with you. Information about the study and the opportunity to register your interest can be found here Manage Cookie Preferences