Complaints Policy INTRODUCTIONSands Australia recognises that users of its services may wish to make a complaint or report a grievance.PRINCIPLEAll complaints, grievances and disputes will be will be handled in a fair, open, non-judgmental and non-threatening manner.Any person raising or responding to a complaint or grievance has the right to be accompanied or represented by an advocate of their choosing.All formal avenues for handling of complaints will be fully documented and the service user’s wishes will be taken into account in determining the appropriate steps and actions.APPLICATIONThis policy applies to all employees, volunteers and service usersPURPOSEThe purpose of this document is to provide an avenue through which users of Sands Australia’s services can resolve any complaints or grievances and make appropriate learnings and process improvements through the process.The CEO is responsible for complaint management. The Care Services Team and the Sate Managers / coordinators will deal with complaints in the first instance.PROCEDURE 1 Making a complaint A service user may make their complaint in writing, by email, via the website or by phone.If the complaint is made by phone, the person taking the complaint must note the details of the complaint and the complainant.2 Referring a complaint All documents relating to the complaint (including the completed Complaints Record Form) will be sent to the State Manager / Coordinator or the Care Services Team and her/his supervisor within 2 working days of receipt. They will acknowledge the complaint in writing (which may be electronic) within three working days, outlining the process which will be followed.If a complaint directly refers to the State Coordinator / Manager or the Care Services Team, the supervisor will assume responsibility. The person with responsibility for the complaint will be known as the Complaint Manager.3 Investigating a complaint Complaint Manager and/or her/his supervisor will investigate the complaint and negotiate a resolution with the complainant. If this cannot be done, the matter will be referred to the CEO.4 Referral for Mediation If the CEO cannot negotiate a resolution with the complainant, the complainant will be offered the opportunity to use an appropriate and affordable complaint resolution/ mediation service. Manage Cookie Preferences